You feel her pulse, her call

Your oceanic depth within

Her waves speak to your wild women

You feel home within her waters

Her lore and mysteries touch a depth of remembrance

You gnow that you are Her and She is you.

Alchemical Ocean

A journey into your oceanic depths and return to your elemental nature

  • An embodied exploration of psyche, story, inner waters, whales, mermaids and more

  • A deep journey into your heart and womb

  • 5 months, 2 live calls per month + surprise guests

  • pre recorded sound and audio guided activations, journeys and embodiment practices

  • flower essences and other surprises

Join us for a five month, elemental, symbolic and mythopoetic journey of descent into the heart and womb. Each week landing different textures and touchstones of your inner landscape supported by nature, ocean wisdom, whales, mermaids and lore. Exploring the depths and treasures within the primordial seas of infinity.

Connecting land, body and soul in a five month journey of descent and emergence.

Alchemical Ocean is more than an online course. It is an experience in flow within your oceanic waters and the matriarch, wild woman and lover archetypes. This unique experience brings you into deep connection with nature, your body and essence. A return to knowing we are nature and nature is us. Together, with a group of like hearted sisters or as an individual quest, players choice.


One of the greatest relationships that is so commonly missing or numbed out, is relationship to land. To nature.

The void, ache we feel sometimes is not for person or dream but for place. 

Whether it be ancestral or chosen lands, there is a deep treasure in this connection.

This is because we are the land we live on. 

We are nature.

And even with all the cities, population and busy mind energy, it is impossible not feel the enchantment, the song that is calling you.

Even if it’s fleeting or just in the background.

It’s in the sparkles on the water

In the breezes that caress your skin 

In the aroma of wild wildflowers as you walk by.

Her nature lives within you

And wants to deeply connect with you.

Your yearning for time in the forest is also a yearning Gaia has for you too.

The oceans, streams, trees and animals want to be in connection with you.

In many ways they are already reaching out to you.

Being in tune with this Earth eros, her song, her pulse, is the direct remedy for so much of our world today.

Part of the ache we feel can’t be mended through pop culture psychology, the next supplement or at the mall. 

Even the bio hacking or meditation won’t quite quench your thirst.

This is because we are designed to be deeply attuned to earth and her expressions.

It is apart of a deeper reunification pulsing within you. 

To return to the earth and listen to her rhythms. 

Let her hold you. 

Let the sun shine so brightly on your skin.

Hear the melody that’s always humming.

This is your birth right.

Your original blueprint.

The Alchemical Ocean is a guided journey that brings you into deeper relationship to the Earth. 

To return to your nature as woman and witness Her rivers and oceans within you.

Remember your rhythms through your connection to Her.

By restoring your natural beingness by descending into your heart and womb.

To enliven your Eros

To remember that the enchantment of the Earth is the truth and it lives inside of you.

Together as women we can awaken Gaia’s dream and her healing.

By being with our bodies in remembrance.

We get to be vessels of alchemical change for the oceans and forests, for the people and lands, communities and world spaces.

The truth is that it starts with you, embodied and in remembrance of your wholly truth.


The oceanic womb is always available to you. To return to her, receive her and weave with her in a new way.

Alchemical Ocean is for you:

  • For the women wanting to connect more deeply to the oceanic currents within.

  • For the women wanting to turn on and/or refine their instinctual nature.

  • For the women looking to be open and receptive to life.

  • For the nature and animal lovers.

  • For the fae, elvin, mermaid, siren and selkie women who walk the earth.

  • For the Feminine artists

  • For the women wanting to deepen into their heart and womb connection.

  • For the women looking orient into deeper levels of devotion to self and to the earth.

  • You want group connection and to be witnessed by other women in your unfolding.

  • You want to be in connection with a group of women who feel the same deep devotion to Earth, Her waters, life, God and legacy.

  • You understand that there ebbs and flows to this journey. You welcome the exquisite magic of reclamation AND the growth edge that we all face in transformation.



What is available for you during this journey: 

  • A deeper connection and understanding of your own connection to your creational design and natural flow.

  • Be magnetic to what is naturally aligned for you.

  • A space where its okay to let go of the old and welcome the new

  • Developing felt connection with the Mystery and liminal spaces.

  • A space to rise into the heart frequency and radiate love.

  • Enliven eros and be in deep communion with the earth and elemental realms.

  • Connect with Oceanic Womb Continuum.

  • The essence of the Rose lineage.

  • A deeper felt sense of your relationship to the feminine frequency. This can open healing mother (divine and earth bound), sisterhood connections and relationship to the masculine.

  • Greater receptivity to life, its blessings and its challenges.

  • Deepened connection to the emotional realms, womb consciousness and feminine sight.

  • A deepening of the root and your instinctual nature.

    Open up to the high heart and collective goodwill.

  • A deepening and restoration of the relationship between you and nature.

    This container is designed to be cyclical. You can receive the transmissions and over again to receive different teachings. This type of experience builds as we go and each person adds to the space in their own way.



The Alchemical Ocean vessel is holding and hosting excursions where we wield, honour, revel and immerse ourselves into the great oceanic waters - the mystery.

Come sail away as the Captain shares the best kept secrets of this glorious earth. Experience the alchemical offerings already within you and let it fully activate your being.

Private charter and experience whales, dolphins, Aphrodite, mermaids and selkies. Be tempted by siren sounds and stories of the sea but dive deeper with us as we reveal the treasure within.

Find the deep blue within you and be wary of pirates of initiation as we cross the seas to infinity.

Feast your eyes on pearls, gold and diamond treasure that await you on this grand voyage.

As we cross back to shore and anchor at her berth, we shall feast and celebrate the greatest journey of them all.